Press Releases

Ask your pharmacist about Covid-19
Pharmacists, like other frontline healthcare professionals, are risking their lives for the well-being of their patients during COVID-19 pandemic. Here is what you can do
April 8, 2020

Public Warning-Unfounded Claims
Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority (BoMRA) reminds consumers to be cautious of stores and websites selling products that claim to prevent, mitigate, treat, diagnose or cure
March 26, 2020

Press release (Ranitidine)
The Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority wishes to inform the public of a potential safety issue in Ranitidine containing products. The presence of nitrosamine impurity called
February 26, 2020

Press Release – Ranitidine Recall
The General Public is informed that the Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority (BOMRA) has recalled with immediate effect from the market, ALL RANITIDINE containing medicines registered
February 26, 2020